The Basics
Dwarf Fakahatchee grass is a perennial, evergreen clumping grass with thin, slender blades. This Florida native grows from short, thick, underground rhizomes. In spring and summer, distinctive rust-colored flower spikes stand a little taller than the 3- to 4-foot tall foliage. The Needs Amount of Sunlight: Full sun / Light shade Amount of Water: Water new plants until they are established, once established plants have good drought tolerance. Soil Conditions: While it prefers damp soil, it is also somewhat drought tolerant. Cold Hardiness Zone: 8-10 The Care Once established, Dwarf Fakahatchee Grass care is minimal, requiring little maintenance other than watering in extreme drought. It should also be pruned each year to the ground. This is usually performed in late winter or early spring. Because of the plant’s sharp foliage, the task of pruning should be done with great care using gloves and a long-sleeved shirt. |