Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order from Liner Source?
It's easy! First, browse through our website to see which plants we offer. Next, take a look at the availability and price list (click here!) to see if we offer the plant varieties in the sizes you want and to see if they are available. Finally, give our sales team a call at 352-357-3500 (press 1). They will let you know which plants we have in stock and they will help take your order.
Do you have this plant?
If you are wondering if we sell a certain plant, look at our availability & price list. The availability and price list lists all of the plant varieties we currently offer. If the plant you are looking for is not on the list, we do not grow it.
Can I walk around the nursery to look?
Due to safety reasons, we do not allow customers to walk around the nursery to look at plants. Our sales team can let you know how certain plants are performing and take pictures for your review.
Can I pick up my plants right now?
Short answer: no. Long answer: We require 24 hour notice so our team outside can pull your plants from the field. Therefore, please give us a day to prepare your order for pickup.
What is the minimum quantity for shipping?
There is a 1 box minimum for shipping. 1 box fits 2 trays of plants under 1-gallon or 10 1-gallon plants.